Monday, January 10, 2011

If not "Dear," then what is it?

According to this column in The Guardian, "Dear" as a way of beginning letters is not appreciated by everyone. The writer, John Crace, is referencing an article in the Wall Street Journal.

As you can see, the writer thinks it may be connected to email writing; "dear" seems too formal for most emails.

So, how are you addressing your letter's recipients nowadays? Have you quit using "Dear"? If so, what term do you use? If you're still starting your letters with "Dear," do you reserve it for the best of friends who are truly "dear" to you or do you begin all letters that way?


Anonymous said...

I always go for "dear", it's just something I've always done, I think it's personal and friendly

Anonymous said...

I think I start all of my mail (E and snail) with hi or hello.

Becky Hill said...

I usually just start my letters with the intended's first name.

Rebekah {honeyandcheese} said...

As I was forming my comment, I started reading the ones that were already here . . . and I do a combination of all three! Some of my letters begin with "hello," some with "dear," and some I simply begin with the recipient's name.

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